Oil and Gas
A Story About Sales
My eyes blast open as I instantly identify the need to end the day with cash in my pocket. As my body moves by itself, my brain starts the mental game...
A Story About Graphic Design
I wear an eye patch sometimes. For fun and medical reasons, I slap it on my face. It's very challenging to design advertisement for customers when my lazy eye is the only one watching.
"I don't like it! If you think this is what I asked for, it is SOOOOO NOT WHAT I WANT!!!"
The constant battle to consult customers into quality graphics begins its dance.
"That color there is not my favorite. Send me a new version that looks like this Pinterest pic."
At this point, I casually ask, "What do you eat your breakfast cereal with? A fork, spoon, knife, or chop sticks?"
An iceberg of silence sinks the conversation.
"I use a spoon."
"If your favorite utensil was a fork, would you use a fork to eat your Honey Nut Cheerios?"
Anger normally arrives to the party.
"What the #@(*! does that have to do with your designs?!"
"Good design must always follow the golden rules. One of them: Form Follows Function. Think like your customers. The prime adult, tender child, good mother, old man, etc.. What do they want to see? What do they NEED to see?"
"They want to see pretty advertisement promoting the things they like to buy."
"Yes, that and they need to know that you sell the spoon they need to enjoy their breakfast cereal."
Silence joins us again.
"I'm looking at the designs you sent me. It's not about what I want to see. It's what my customers need to see in order to buy. It's about their needs not mine. Heeeey, I'm beginning to pick up what you're putting down."
"How do your customers see it?"
"They see it good."
I rip off the eye patch. Only seeing with my lazy eye makes me dizzy after a while.
The conversation with Mr. Customer ends well.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
A short story by:
I currently work the tech stuff on planet Earth.
A collection of stories written for you to better understand Leo
A Story About Sales
My eyes blast open as I instantly identify the need to end the day with cash in my pocket. As my body moves by itself, my brain starts the mental game...
A Story About Marketing
The small drive into San Marcos was surprisingly fluid and efficient. Walking into the outlet mall felt like civilization had given...
A Story About Web Development
Crawling seemed like a good option. I didn't take it. The dog was done using the outdoor restroom and we were headed to the third story to sleep...
A Story About Management
The business capital was growing. My "need" to count out the final register and input data into the accounting system was turning into a sometimes...
A Story About Photography
A childhood of work and play is how I remember it. Tough love was always there, also love. I am the second oldest of four children. My sister...
I currently work the tech stuff on planet Earth.
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